Due to a miscommunication between Elsevier Press and the Python Software Foundation, the first printing of this title used an unauthorized modification of the trademarked Python logo. We apologize to the PSF for this, and they have been understanding of our in-press status; in the 2nd and subsequent printing of this title, we shall use a cover design that has been approved as non-dilutive by the Python Software Foundation.

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Thanks to everyone who has picked up the book and has given us feedback so far! I wanted to post up a quick note that three of us will be doing Maya/Python-related poster sessions at GDC 2012.

Hope to see you there!

~ by Adam on January 8, 2012.

3 Responses to “GDC!”

  1. these sessions will get recorded for other viewers, who want to see this amazing session ?

  2. […] posted this over on our companion web site for the book, but figured it couldn’t hurt to cross post here for anyone who doesn’t regularly visit […]

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